Willowbrook offers various organizations for parents/guardians, alumni and community members to get involved

Parents/guardians, alumni and community members – are you looking for a way to get involved, stay connected with and give back to Willowbrook?

There are several organizations you can join that benefit Willowbrook students. To see information/details about the groups below, go to https://dupage88.net/site/page/16382.

  1. Citizens Advisory Council (CAC)

  2. Willowbrook Parent Organization (WPO)

  3. Athletic Booster Club (To become a member of the Willowbrook Athletic Booster Club, go to https://www.dupage88.net/site/page/983.)

  4. Music Booster Club (To support the Willowbrook Music Booster Club through a sponsorship donation, go to https://dupage88.revtrak.net/wbhs-music-boosters#/v/wbhs-music-boosters-sponsorship-donation.)

  5. Guidance Department Advisory Council

  6. Padres Unidos de Willowbrook

  7. What I Need (W.I.N.) SPED Parent Advisory

  8. District 88 Foundation