Willowbrook Speech Team earns awards at Glenbard South High School tournament

On Dec. 2, members of the Willowbrook Speech Team competed in a tournament at Glenbard South High School and came in 4th place (pictured above, left).

Below are the team’s individual results from that event. They are pictured in the order in which they're listed below, from left to right.

Humorous Duet Acting: Sophomore Malachy Heneghan and junior Jason Nelson, 3rd place

Humorous Interpretation: Junior Jason Nelson, 2nd place

Impromptu Speaking: Freshman Marcus Castillo, 6th place

Original Comedy: Junior Colton Emmert, 4th place; Sophomore Suha Salman, 5th place

Original Oratory: Freshman Alina Iqbal, 3rd place

Radio Speaking: Sophomore Suha Salman, 5th place

Special Occasion Speaking: Freshman Madeleine Calvillo, Finalist