Warrior Wellness: An inside look at Willowbrook’s Zero-Hour Physical Education course

Willowbrook students are working hard every day to become more educated with their health and wellness, and we are thrilled to feature those accomplishments through this monthly column.

In this edition of Warrior Wellness, we showcase our Zero-Hour Physical Education (PE) course and the continued adaptation to the asynchronous learning environment as we move into the second half of the school year. Zero-Hour PE is usually offered before the traditional start time of school. Students attend every day and are given a choice in their activities every two weeks. The goal is to provide more options for lifetime activities to improve overall fitness in a personalized setting.

As a result of being in a remote learning environment because of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, we have implemented some systematic changes to our Zero-Hour PE curriculum for the 2020-21 school year. The class is currently asynchronous, meaning we do not meet daily, and students are required to use multiple resources to achieve a higher level of fitness. We also are introducing independent physical activities that students can use in the future.

One of the main tools of Zero-Hour PE is MyZone heartrate monitors. This is an amazing way for students to receive real-time feedback on their heartrate level, calories burned and earned MEPs (MyZone Effort Points), while teachers are able to track students’ progression throughout the week. Students earn MEPs by exercising within their target heartrate zone (60 to 100 percent of their max heartrate). Essentially, the harder or more intense the workout, the faster a student will earn MEPs (see the sample chart/image below).

Despite the adjustment from in-class learning to an asynchronous format, students are still able to select from a variety of activities to earn the required MEPs each week. Circuit training, kickboxing, Tabata, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), Pilates and a personal running progression created by our very own Girls Track Team Head Coach Clyde Ware have been among the most popular exercises with students. Pupils also have the option to complete their own independent workouts to earn weekly participation.

Each week, students are expected to earn 320 MEPs to receive full credit. Our 320-MEPs grading scale is based on the recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization that individuals should get 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. That recommendation is equal to 300 MEPs. For students to receive an A, they need to perform at a higher level and earn 320 MEPs a week.

As we adapt and adjust during this challenging time, Zero-Hour PE instructors will continue to provide students with new avenues to broaden their understanding of wellness and continue on the path to become lifelong movers.

  • The monthly Warrior Wellness column provides an inside look into the physical education, health and driver education classes at Willowbrook. This feature will highlight what students are working on in class, as well as student successes in those departments.