Addison Trail names August recipient of 88’s Best recognition

Lea Staller (pictured above, with Addison Trail Principal Jack Andrews) has been named as Addison Trail’s August recipient of 88’s Best recognition for her outstanding academic accomplishments.

Staller, a senior, was recognized during the Aug. 29 District 88 Board of Education meeting. To watch her 88’s Best presentation, click on the video above.

Throughout her four years at Addison Trail, Staller has proven to be a tremendous role model for her peers and has spent her high school career balancing it all with a positive attitude and a contagious Blazer spirit that has had a lasting impact on her teachers and classmates.

Academic and extracurricular achievements:

  • Ranked at the top of her class
  • Outstanding Freshman in Choir
  • Outstanding Junior in Choir
  • Attended Science & Arts Academy, a private school in Des Plaines

Involvement at Addison Trail:

  • National Honor Society (NHS)
  • Theatre
  • Tri-M (Modern Music Masters) Honor Society Board Member
  • Shades of Blue (vocal jazz ensemble)

Community involvement:

  • Performed in a series called “Act of Faith” (a mockumentary-style comedy about a group of employees in the administrative office of a religious youth theatre organization)

Future plans:

  • Staller plans to attend college and earn her master’s degree in aerospace engineering.
  • Staller also plans to continue studying theatre and music in college.

Staff member comments:

“Staller has been a part of our theatre program since her freshman year. I am so happy to see her rewarded for her academic prowess. Staller is an extremely talented and intellectual student, and this benefits her on the stage. She is well-spoken, creative and contemplative; her maturity surpasses her peers! I wish I had the pleasure of having her in an academic course!”

- Anna McSweeney, Addison Trail Theatre Director and English teacher

“Staller is an exceptional young woman, who is always focused, curious and hardworking. She is a role model for her classmates and an absolute joy to have in class.”

- Kira Bonk, Addison Trail science teacher

“Staller has distinguished herself as a mature and responsible student, who sets high academic and personal goals for herself. When faced with challenges, Staller always confronts them with maturity and optimism. She persevered during the most difficult time – remote learning. She was always engaged and worked hard to do her best. She has not only proven herself to be a self-motivated student, but also a contributing member in our school community. I am certain she will be a tremendous asset in all of her future pursuits.”

- Kathleen McColaugh, Addison Trail world language teacher

“Staller was a positive addition to Honors Biology her freshman year. She never hesitated to put forth her best effort, even when she wasn’t entirely sure of herself. Her hardworking attitude was evident in her academics, as well as in her extracurricular activities. Though highly involved in theatre, she always kept up with her academic work.”

- Aileen Sullivan, Addison Trail science teacher

  • District 88 values the hard work and achievements of students and wants to make sure students are honored and recognized for their accomplishments. The District 88 Board of Education and administration created the 88’s Best award to highlight students’ success. That award recognizes nine Addison Trail and nine Willowbrook students each school year for reaching their personal best in various areas. Recipients are honored during a District 88 Board of Education meeting in one of the following areas: academics, highly improved performance, extracurricular activities, service work or performing arts/electives. They receive an 88’s Best glass sculpture and a certificate to a local restaurant.