District 88 adopts updated strategic plan

During its June 24 meeting, the District 88 Board of Education approved the administration’s recommendation to adopt the district’s updated Strategic Plan; Educational Mission and Vision statements; Goals and Indicators; and corresponding online dashboard.

The Strategic Plan Committee met from August to December. The plan was shared with District 88 staff members throughout October and November, and they were able to provide input and feedback. From January to May, Superintendent Dr. Jean Barbanente met with 27 community groups, intergovernmental agencies, local legislators and District 88 parent/guardian groups, along with pupils in the Superintendent Student Advisory Committee, to gather feedback about the strategic plan. The response during the meetings was very positive and complimentary of the district’s programming, direction, supports for students and community partnerships. To view the presentation that was shared, go to www.dupage88.net/StrategicPlanSlides2024.

The strategic plan was last reviewed and adopted during the 2018-19 school year, and the updated plan will help maintain the district’s commitment to providing an environment that promotes excellence for all students and prepares each child for a successful future. The updated plan truly reflects the depth and breadth of the district’s work, and it will be a living document that serves as the foundation on which the district operates. 

The plan consists of three overarching areas of focus, or “pillars.”

  1. Teaching and Learning: Advancing excellence for all through culturally responsive curriculum, instruction, assessment practices, programming, resources and services.

  2. Student Voice, Climate and Culture: Advancing excellence for all through a culture of inclusion and belonging, where all students feel safe, seen, heard, valued and respected.

  3. Family and Community as Agency: Advancing excellence for all through family and community partnerships, expanding authentic opportunities and experiences for students.
  • Each pillar has three goals, and each goal is measured by corresponding metrics.

  • The district’s updated Mission is “to prepare students to be college and career ready in a diverse society.”

  • The district’s updated Vision is “to cultivate inclusive and rigorous learning opportunities for students to pursue individualized pathways to success.”

To display the content of the plan visually – and to ensure it’s tangible and meaningful – the district implemented a corresponding online dashboard. This site will be updated annually on Nov. 1 and shows the metrics in each area through data points, statistics, charts and graphs. 

We have a responsibility to be transparent with and accountable to our stakeholders, and the strategic plan and online dashboard allow us to meet that objective. To view District 88’s updated strategic plan and online dashboard, go to www.dupage88.net/StrategicPlan2023.