District 88 names GPS Ed as a Business Partner

During its Feb. 26 meeting, the District 88 Board of Education named GPS Education Partners (GPS Ed) as a Business Partner.

This program recognizes businesses and organizations for their support in building futures for District 88 students and helping to accomplish the district’s mission and vision. These collaborations are vital to ensure students are successful, and District 88 truly values and appreciates these partnerships.

GPS Ed is a nonprofit that has been leading the work-based learning revolution in Wisconsin for more than 20 years and is continuing to expand throughout DuPage County. The organization creates bridges for students and business partners to unite and lift local economies through the development of young leaders. They help students find the connection between their education and an attainable career. For more information, go to https://gpsed.org.

During the meeting, the board and administration thanked GPS Ed for all they do for District 88’s students, families and learning community.

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