Citizens Advisory Council

Para ver información sobre el Consejo Consultivo Ciudadano en español, vaya a

What is the Citizens Advisory Council?

To learn about the CAC, click on the link or image above.
When and where do CAC meetings take place?

Addison Trail and Willowbrook each have their own CAC, and the groups meet once a month in person and online (via Zoom). They meet at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month.

What are the benefits of joining the CAC?

To learn about the benefits of joining the CAC, click on the link or image above.
What is the process to join the CAC?

You're invited to join the CAC! To see how, click on the link or image above.
How can I find out more about the CAC?

For questions or more information about the CAC, click on the link or image above.
CAC meeting agendas

To view past, present and upcoming CAC meeting agendas, click on the link or image above.