DuPage High School District 88 Strategic Plan

To view District 88's strategic plan flyer, click on the image above (or go to www.dupage88.net/StrategicPlanFlyer2023).

District 88 is committed to providing an environment that promotes excellence for all students and prepares each child for a successful future. 

To help ensure that environment, the district is updating its strategic plan, which was last reviewed and adopted during the 2018-19 school year. This process establishes the district’s areas of focus and future direction. 

“The strategic plan is the foundation on which we operate,” said Dr. Jean Barbanente, District 88 Superintendent. “The updated plan truly reflects the depth and breadth of our work, and it will be a living document that forms the basis of our efforts. We have a responsibility to be transparent with and accountable to our stakeholders, and this allows us to achieve that objective.”

District 88 has 51 languages and more than 30 countries represented among its families, and almost half of the nearly 4,000 students at District 88 speak a language other than English at home. The district is extremely proud of that diversity and celebrates it as an asset. The strategic plan was developed with a culturally responsive lens to reflect the district’s diverse student population and learning community.

The Strategic Plan Committee, which is comprised of District 88 administrators and Board of Education members, first met in August. During that meeting, they analyzed samples from other school districts to determine best practices and set their vision for the updated plan. They met again in September, November and December.

The committee members formed three overarching areas of focus, or “pillars.” Those are:

  1. Teaching and Learning: Advancing excellence for all through culturally responsive curriculum, instruction, assessment practices, programming, resources and services.

  2. Student Voice, Climate and Culture: Advancing excellence for all through a culture of inclusion and belonging, where all students feel safe, seen, heard, valued and respected.

  3. Family and Community as Agency: Advancing excellence for all through family and community partnerships, expanding authentic opportunities and experiences for students.
  • Each pillar has three goals, and each goal is measured by corresponding metrics.

  • The district’s updated Mission is “to prepare students to be college and career ready in a diverse society.”

  • The district’s updated Vision is “to cultivate inclusive and rigorous learning opportunities for students to pursue individualized pathways to success.”

To display the content of the plan visually – and to ensure it’s tangible and meaningful – the district developed the online dashboard below. This site shows the metrics in each area through data points, statistics, charts and graphs.

“I would like to thank the committee members for their leadership in updating our strategic plan,” said Donna Craft Cain, District 88 Board of Education President. “Their positive energy and lively discussion provided the necessary vision to enhance our plan to provide the best environment for our students and families. I also would like to thank our staff for designing the online dashboard, so the Board and all stakeholders can monitor our progress as we implement and maintain our strategic plan.”

The plan was reviewed by District 88 staff members throughout October and November, and Dr. Barbanente provided several opportunities for input and feedback. Dr. Barbanente is now meeting with parents/guardians at Addison Trail and Willowbrook, as well as with community organizations and local legislators. The goal is to have the finalized plan adopted by the Board of Education during its April 8 meeting.

For questions or more information regarding the strategic plan, contact District 88 Director of Community Relations Dani Brink at dbrink@dupage88.net or 630-530-3989.

* The DuPage High School District 88 Strategic Plan Dashboard is updated annually on Nov. 1 and reflects data from the previous school year.

Teaching and Learning

Advancing excellence for all through culturally responsive curriculum, instruction, assessment practices, programming, resources, and services.

Goal: Increase Reading and Math Achievement for ALL students through rigorous, externally validated curriculum that reflects the diversity and unique experiences of our students, comprehensive academic supports, consistent grading and assessment practices, and equitable distribution of resources.

The section scores for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW) range from 200 to 800.
Source: District 88 student information system
The section scores for Math range from 200 to 800.
Source: District 88 student information system

IL State Report Card

Below are the results available on the IL state report card


Description: Increase graduation rates by implementing multiple and diverse pathways to access post-secondary environments and individualized 4-year planning.

Source: IL State Report Card
Source: IL State Report Card
Source: IL State Report Card

Source: IL State Report Card

Students identified as “on track” have earned at least five full-year course credits (10 semester credits) and have earned no more than one semester "F" in a core course (English, math, science, or social science). Course credits from summer sessions are not included in this calculation. Freshmen on track is a key predictor of high school success. Students who finish the ninth-grade year on track are almost four times as likely to graduate from high school as students who are not on track. (Source)

The section contains self-reported post-secondary plans from members of the Addison Trail and Willowbrook class of 2024.
Source: SchooLinks Student Survey

The section contains self-reported post-secondary plans.

Description: Increase the number of college credits and career certifications earned through the expansion of college-level curriculum and credentialed career pathways.

  • College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program (ap.collegeboard.org): AP gives students the chance to tackle college-level work while they're still in high school and earn college credit and placement.
  • Project Lead The Way (PLTW) (pltw.org): PLTW motivates, prepares, and supports teachers as they strive to make every child in every grade STEM-successful.
  • Technology Center of DuPage (TCD) (tcdupage.org): TCD offers DuPage County-area high school juniors and seniors 20 career and technical education (CTE) programs as part of their high school curriculum, as well as an opportunity to earn college credit while in high school.
  • College of DuPage (COD) (cod.edu/about/)

The chart begins in 2015-16 to show the expansion of our programming, starting with AP, TCD, and PLTW, and growing to AP, TCD, PLTW, COD, and Elmhurst

Source: District 88 student information system

Potential Savings = Credits Earned x average of 3 hours per course x $144.00 for the per credit cost at College of DuPage
Source: District 88 student information system
Source: District 88 student information system

Source: District 88 student information system.

The State Seal of Biliteracy is a recognition given to graduating high school students who have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in English and in reading, writing, listening and speaking in another language.

Two levels of recognition are awarded, and the level achieved by a student is determined by that student’s performance on a state-approved standardized assessment to measure English proficiency and proficiency in a foreign language. The two levels are:

  1. State Seal of Biliteracy
  2. State Commendation toward Biliteracy

The State Seal of Biliteracy and Commendation are placed on the student’s diploma and transcript as an official credential certified by ISBE. State colleges and universities issue college credit for the State Seal of Biliteracy, and many private colleges and universities offer credit, as well. For more information, go to dupage88.net/site/page/7720.

Graph includes both Seal and Commendation.

Student Voice, Climate and Culture

Advancing excellence for all through a culture of inclusion and belonging where all students feel safe, seen, heard, valued, and respected.

Description: Increase student participation through expansion and diversification of extracurricular programs that honor the culture and identities of all students.

Source: District 88 student information system
Source: District 88 student information system

Addison Trail Sport and Activity Listing

Below is a listing of the sports and activities offered by Addison Trail High School.


Willowbrook Sport and Activity Listing

Below is a listing of the sports and activities offered by Willowbrook High School.

Description:Increase student belonging through restorative and trauma-informed policies, procedures, interventions and mental health supports reflecting diverse student voices and experiences.

Source: District 88 student information system, self-reported
Source: District 88 student information system, self-reported
Source: District 88 student information system
Source: District 88 student information system
Source: District 88 student information system
Source: IL State Report Card

PPS Services Offered

Below is a listing of the PPS services offered by District 88, including external partnerships.

Services Offered

Description:Increase staff credentials and professional development, as well as hire staff members who have diverse experiences, to connect with and support the unique needs of D88 students.

Source: District 88 financial information system, staff member self-reported
Source: District 88 financial information system, staff member self-reported
Source: IL State Report Card

Expanded credentials refers to staff members who have earned endorsements beyond the content area in which they are licensed to teach.

According to isbe.net/Pages/Subsequent-Teaching-Endorsements.aspx, "Once you hold a Professional Educator License (PEL) or Educator License with Stipulations endorsed in a teaching field, you can add additional content area endorsements."

District 88 expanded credentials include English as a Second Language (ESL), Bilingual and Learning Behavior Specialist (LBS I), which prepares staff to teach students with disabilities.

Source: District 88 financial information system

Source: District 88 financial information system
Source: District 88 Internal Data

Professional Development Opportunities

The document below lists the available Professional Development Programs offered by District88

Professional Development Programs

Family and Community as Agency

Advancing excellence for all through family and community partnerships expanding authentic opportunities for students.

Description:Increase family engagement through comprehensive communication (in multiple languages), programming in English and Spanish and the removal of barriers to participation, including offering online options.

Source: District 88 event data
Data includes parent organization and parent event attendance.

News and Information

Below are some opportunities to stay in touch with the events and news of District 88.


Description: Increase opportunities for partnerships with community organizations, agencies, and business partners.

Community Organizations

The following link includes a list of the community organizations District 88 has formed partnerships with.

Community Organizations

Community Events

The following link includes a list of the events showing giving back is a cornerstone of District 88 pride

Community Events

Description: Increase trust and transparency with all stakeholders through sound fiscal management, superior facility management, intergovernmental commitments, and comprehensive communication efforts.

Source: ISBE

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) establishes School District Financial Profiles, which are based on Annual Financial Reports. District 88’s profile of “recognition” is the highest of four levels. For more information, go to www.isbe.net/Pages/School-District-Financial-Profile.aspx.


Source: Moodys

This rating methodology assesses credit risk for U.S. public school districts that provide education or educational services … including the qualitative and quantitative factors that are likely to affect rating outcomes in this sector. District 88’s rating of Aa1 is the second-highest rating and means “Obligations … are judged to be of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk.” For more information, go to https://ratings.moodys.com/api/rmc-documents/70054, www.moodys.com/sites/products/productattachments/ap075378_1_1408_ki.pdf or www.moodys.com.


5-Year Facility Plan

This section will contain the district's 5 year facility plan.