On April 25, 15 Willowbrook students participated in a career-exploration field trip to Miller Cooper & Co., Ltd. in Downers Grove.
Those students are enrolled in Willowbrook Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher Steve Chojnacki’s dual-credit Accounting 2 Honors class. During their visit, students met with alumnus Dave Eisner (class of 1998), who is a partner at the company. Eisner discussed career opportunities and various paths available within the field of accounting. For more information about Miller Cooper, go to https://millercooper.com.
District 88 is committed to providing multiple and flexible pathways for students to ensure they are college and career ready and continues to partner with colleges/universities and local businesses to expand these opportunities for students. District 88 invites companies to collaborate with the district and support students. See details at www.dupage88.net/BusinessPartnerships.